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Charm is deceptive. Beauty is fleeing, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised. Period. Be not ordained with the braiding of gold hair and wearing of jewelry (or putting in of makeup and Kylie Jenner kits) but a meek and quiet spirit is to the LORD (Yahweh) a great price. Period. Okay so those are scriptures, though I put them in layman's terms. But it's so true! Daughters, (and sons) YOU ARE PERFECTLY PERFECT CREATION, MOLDED BY A PERFECT ARTIST. Do you believe that? Do you believe that you shine like GOLD in the fiery eyes of God without your haircuts and crop tops? Because it's true-you do. I know culture demands the "less the better" or the "more made up, the more likes you'll get on pictures." I know that society will place it fashion demanding grip on your soul and pull you down in the darkness filled with knockoff Sandals and Forever 21 sales. I know that you'll walk around the mall comparing yourself to every girl with better shoes than you. But next time you do anything of that-pause. Pause when your fingering the velvet on that romper too short to be a romper, or that oversized off the shoulder top-pause. Pause and ask Jesus, in his own words to define you in that moment. Listen to what he says and then look back at that outfit and ask yourself these three things: Who am I doing this for? Myself? Or Culture? Instagram or Facebook? Or Snapchat? (Because we take WAY too many selfies on that) Will what I'm wearing please God? Or cause the baristo I've been looking at to fall in love with me the moment he sees my shaven legs? Lastly, can I afford it? (Because we all gotz bills to pay) Listen to me when I say you are Gods most prized master piece. Believe that before you go out to buy the latest style. You don't have to prove anything to Him with the way you dress, why prove something to them? Prayer: Jesus thank you for loving me. Thank you for molding me in your image, as a beautiful masterpiece. Thank you for dying for my sins and making me pure before you. Please forgive me for putting human opinion over yours. Help me from now on to only treasure how you view me and let that give me assurance. I will, instead focus on myself and how I treat others instead of how I look. Thank you For your awesome awesomeness Lord. In Jesus Name Amen. Xoxo Go rock your world! Charity 

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